About Us

Our story began in 1984 when our dad, Matthias Oppenlaender, travelled to Ontario to plant a 40-acre vineyard nestled under the Niagara Escarpment in Queenston.

At the time, many thought vitis vinifera grapes could not be grown in Ontario, let alone the ability to make quality wine from those grapes. Our dad took this as a challenge, and at the young age of 22, with adventure and opportunity calling, he left his farming family in Germany to prove the naysayers wrong.

Almost 40 years later, the Oppenlaender family created Liebling Wines to commemorate our oma, the one who encouraged our dad to come to Canada and who continued to support him while living over 6,000 kms away. Out of nine children, our dad was the one that she lovingly called her Liebling, her darling, and if you ask the others, her favourite.

Liebling Wines is also an homage to our dad, and all that he planted, grew and built – he did not just plant a vineyard and grow grapes, he built a family, friendships and connections. Liebling Wines is the culmination of all that he achieved, it’s a celebration of a 40-year grape-growing career, and it is a collaboration between farmer friends and winemakers.

Liebling Wines is an expression of the land, of grape-growing, and of the many hands that play an integral part in nurturing and crafting grapes into wine.

Liebling Wines are fresh, approachable, and always authentic from single vineyards across Niagara. They’re unpretentious, straightforward, and fun. They are wines to celebrate the everyday, the opportunities, the adventures, and most importantly, to celebrate love.

Alison, Matthias & Jessica of Liebling Wines

Alison, Matthias & Jessica Oppenlaender

Alison Oppenlaender of Liebling Wines

Alison Oppenlaender

Also Known as Ali

I have been working in the grape and wine industry for a very long time, as far back as high school…

  • I have been working in the grape and wine industry for a very long time, as far back as high school where I begrudgingly spent summers tending vines and daydreaming of being somewhere else, preferably with my nose in a book. It wasn’t until much later that my passion for telling a wine’s story evolved while working behind a winery’s tasting bar pouring for guests and touring visitors around the cellar.

    This is where I learned that wine is so much more than ‘red’ and ‘white’ – it’s an expression of a time and a place for both those that work together to capture that essence into a bottle and for those who enjoy the wine. With a background in marketing and communications, I am excited to share our family’s wine and the stories behind each label with you, and may even recommend a book or two to read while sipping a Liebling wine.

Matthias Oppenlaender of Liebling Wines


Also known as dad

Farming has always been a part of my life having grown up on a small farm in a big family…

  • Farming has always been a part of my life having grown up on a small farm in a big family, with three generations living under one roof. We farmed vineyards, cash crops, chickens and pigs, and even ran the local post office. As a young kid, my summer job was to help my grandparents in the vineyard, a dreaded chore when all I wanted to do was play soccer or swim at the local pool with friends. Instead, I had to wake early and maintain the vineyard with my grandparents, but it was during these days that they would tell me stories of their early lives and how they built this little farm that my love for farming grew.

    I studied viticulture and agriculture in Germany, and upon graduation, I was offered the opportunity to come to Canada to grow grapes – which many thought was impossible. Fast-forward 40 years, I am proud to grow quality grapes for many local producers in the region, and to witness my children involved in this industry. Together, as a family, we look forward to showcasing why we love growing grapes in Niagara.

Jessica Oppenlaender of Liebling Wines

Jessica Oppenlaender

Also Known as Jess

Vineyard work was not my first choice while growing up, and would often help out on the farm in other ways…

  • Vineyard work was not my first choice while growing up, and would often help out on the farm in other ways, such as mowing lawns, cleaning the barn, or being tech support. When it was time to begin my post-secondary education, I knew I wanted it to be in science, but I had no idea what I wanted as a career. After a few years away from home, the call of the farm brought me back to Niagara where I studied oenology and viticulture at the Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute at Brock University.

    Conducting research alongside brilliant scientists and winemakers, my enthusiasm for grape and wine exploded, and through pouring and volunteering my passion to showcase and teach others the science behind grape-growing and winemaking solidified my desire to pursue a career in viticulture. I began working on the family vineyard alongside my dad and quickly grew to appreciate how vines need special tending, and how great wine always starts with a great vineyard. I can’t wait to share these wines, and may even get a little science geeky on the different soils, rootstocks and winemaking chemistry with you.

Aaron, Michael & Danny of Liebling Wines

Aaron, Michael & Danny Oppenlaender

The Brothers

With over 30 years of grape-growing and vineyard management between the brothers, Aaron, Michael and Danny are the faces behind the vineyard management crew at Huebel Grapes Estates.

They are the ones who manage our family’s vineyards, as well as many others in the area. You’ll find them either fixing tractors, driving tractors or talking about tractors.